Hi dear friend, sure you have been good I am so glad to share this with you and hope that you will be blessed and have a wonderful time.
I will be making an illustration using a tap……….. You obviously have a tap at home, the tap at home is not always open and not always locked as well; when water is needed, it is turned on and when it’s not needed anymore, it is turned off, you certainly would not purposely leave the tap on when you do not need it. I’m going to be comparing a tap with your tongue, just like a tap is very important and useful in every house, so the tongue is very important in every body. It is important for you to watch the tap in you house, so you don’t leave it on and go out, when you get back the whole house will be flooded, and trust me, you would have to do serious work in terms of getting the house back to order.
This is the same thing with this small part of your body your tongue, do not allow your tongue to run to the extent that it runs off course, just the way you watch the tap at home, dearest, watch your tongue. Before you speak or even keep quiet ask Him and be sure He’ll answer you. Do not allow the tap to keep running; never say words that do not build up. Imagine this, you are so thirsty and all you need is water, you then rush to the tap, place your cup under the tap and you turn on the tap, the water begins to flow, it’s even cold amazingly, looking forward to the cup being full and then all of a sudden dirty, muddy and smelly water begins to come out from that same tap and obviously into the cup, how would you feel? Trust me I will be very angry, irritated and any other thing you can think of. God is not and will not be happy when he hears us use our mouths to say things that do not edify and use that same tongue to sing and pray. God gave you a tongue and then good words and blessings come from it on the contrary, swear and bad languages come from that same tongue, watch it seriously, watch what comes out from your tap cause someone’s life may just depend on what you say.
I want you to make a commitment to God and asking for His grace too that from today, only words of life, blessings and beauty will come out from your tap. I believe you have been blessed, make sure you watch the tap consciously.
Loads of Love,
Smiling D.