Sunday, 25 October 2015


Hi guys, hope you are very well. I am very well myself, and its very good to have you here. Enjoy this..... So, I had this experience not too long ago and thought to share it with you. Over time, I have realized that God is very concerned with every single thing about me, even things that are seemingly small. Alright, it was this Sunday morning, and I was headed to church, I got on the bus, and not too long after the bus moved, the rain began to threaten. I did not have an umbrella, and I would have been very drenched before I even got to church. Almost immediately, I started talking to God, and asking Him to kindly hold the rain until I got to church, to my utmost surprise, and joy, I got to church very dry, the rain did not fall after so much threat. I clearly remember that whilst I was asking God to kindly hold the rain until I got to church since I did not have an umbrella, He told me that I shouldn’t  worry that I would not get drenched however, I must ensure to share this exact experience with others, to be honest, I felt so loved yet again,and understood again, that God really cares about the things that bother you. It is very important for you to always tell Him how you feel and what you want, no matter how "unimportant" you may think it is. So, this week, this month, whenever, wherever, do not hesitate to talk to God about anything and everything you need, He'd definitely come through for you as He did for me. Indeed God loves you and cares about even the things that are  seemingly unimportant
Smiling D

Sunday, 4 October 2015


Hi dearest, its been  a very long time,, hasn't it? My sincere apologies, for not writing all these  months, been sooo busy, however, that's no good enough excuse at all.  Good thing I'm back now O well, I’m excited to be here again and to also have you here, I really hope you have been doing very well. 
I came up with this, and thought to share with you; so enjoy......
Alright, so you'd be doing a little exercise, which requires just your mind and your mouth, however, before you do this, you need to know the rules,and we've got just one rule which is you must believe in what you are about to do, so let's go......
 Simply tell yourself, and  you need to say it with so much confidence;  “I am a star, and I will shine”
Do yourself a favour, by saying this to you everyday and watch out how  beautiful your life will turn out sooner than you think. Alright so here is my jist for you
Some few years ago, say four years ago, I was coming inn from an event, and at the time, it was  already dark, good for me, the  road was tarred; so it was easy for me to see where I was headed to. Unconsciously, I looked at the ground and I realized that the ground was shining. This was an amazing site; almost immediately, I realized that a flood light was somewhere far away, but the rays from the light were reflecting on the ground and that was what triggered the shine the ground emitted. The closer the flood light reflected on the ground, the more shine the ground emitted.
 It did not end there, the  sun was really out on a certain day, and I was walking on my way to the hostel, road tarred obviously, I looked farther giving myself  an angle of depression  the ground was shinning so well.  I then merged the two experiences I had where the tarred ground was shinning as a result of the light that reflected on the ground;it then dawned on me that if a mere ground, tarred though could emit such shine and beauty then it will be so easy for me to emit much more than a mere ground is emitting.
Tell yourself again, “I am a star and I will shine”.  Its no news that you, o yes you are more valuable than a tarred ground, but you have to know this, if you want to shine then you must be “tarred” and you must have light reflecting on you. It’s amazing to note this I have never seen an untarred road or a bad road reflect or emit shine irrespective of the light that is reflecting towards it.
You may ask what makes me “tarred”? It’s Jesus that makes you tarred, trust me if you don’t have Him on your inside do not expect to shine. It’s His word in you that is the light that reflects on  your tarred road{life} and causes it to keep shinning.
Dearest, I hope you have Him in you, if not simply ask Him to come inn and save you and He will do cause He’s  been waiting for you to just tell Him that. If you already have Him in you a big congratulations, you keep being in Him, read His word, pray, and talk to Him like your bestie and watch out how bright your life will shine.I look forward to hearing how brightly you will begin to shine
Loads of Love,
Smiling D.