Thursday, 30 March 2017


Hey guys. It's great to have you here again. Trust you have been very well. I have been very well myself. Alright, first things first, you guys amazed me last month.

Woah! Thanks for all the shares on the post "Face It" I received messages from far and near stating how  inspiring  the post was. Trust me guys, I can't count how many times, that post  also inspired me as the writer. So, again, thanks to you my friends from all over the world. I look forward to meeting you in person very soon.

Yep! So this post is yet another that has inspired me personally, and I believe it would  do same to you and even much more. Happy reading...

It's exciting  to go to places you have not been before, as long as you have your GPS running very well, and of course all the logistics are in place. So this beautiful day,  I really wanted to go somewhere I had never been to before. I checked my map and found out that it wasn't far from my house and getting there in good time and with ease should not be a problem.

I set out, get on the train, and get off at my stop. According to my GPS, getting to my location is only a three minute walk from the train station. I get off the train, out to the street, and all of a sudden my GPS begins to play a fast one on me. Perhaps it is not;  I just cannot figure out what turn to take. I probably did not pay so much attention in my Geography class in high school 😃😃😃  Almost immediately, I hear a very subtle voice telling me to take the right turn. Against the subtle "turn right" voice I take the left. I feel that the left  turn I take is the right one to get to my destination.

 I keep walking for more than  twenty minutes, and that is when I realize that I am definitely  headed the wrong direction. I mean a three minute walk turning to a twenty minute walk is sure heading the wrong way. I go back to the train station and take the right turn and guess what, in less than three minutes I am at the location.

O my goodness! To think that if only I had listened and obeyed  when I heard the subtle voice say turn to the right, I would not have spent twenty minutes figuring out a destination which was only three minutes away from where I was initially.

This experience said something to me again,Your life is easier when you listen. What is God telling you to do or not to do and you are not quite sure about it;and as a result you go your own route? If you feel you are hearing yourself, simply be real with Him and tell Him how you feel, and He'd definitely give you clarity  and you will know what to do. Listening to His voice definitely makes life easier. You want your life to be easy? You sure do! Then listen to His voice.

Alright guys, till my next piece; have an awesome time. As always do well to share 😊😊😊😊

Loads of Love,
Smiling D.