Sunday, 23 July 2017


Hey guys! It’s great to have you here again. Trust you have been very well and everything has been going great. Pardon our short break in June. I’d definitely make it up to you.

Yep! So let’s get straight to business. Sit back relax and enjoy………

For those who know me very well, I am a picture freak. Not too long ago I put up a picture and captioned it.  “Do taking pictures weary me? No they do not”😊😊😊

 I love pictures I love life; I love me. To think that when I was way younger; I felt I had a weird smile. Now, I feel I have the cutest smile with two lovely dimples. I would look into the mirror; smile to myself and tell myself how pretty I am and how I’ve got such a beautiful dimpled  smile. Now; everyone tells me how lovely a smile I've got. 😉😉😉

You need to know and always tell yourself that you  are very unique; you are very beautiful and handsome the way you are. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Have you realized that when a group picture is taken and you get to see it; the first person you check out is you? 

There are two sides to it; you probably begin to say how pretty your smile is, how great you looked; or on the flip side; you begin to think to yourself on how your smile was too broad, or how you didn’t have such  a great pose or how you should have adjusted your clothes or makeup better.

Do not beat yourself up for what you think should have been better in the picture; be proud of how you look.  If you feel you should have done something better; do it the next time you have an opportunity to.

I read something from Febi Idahosa one great man of God I respect a lot. He asked people to take group pictures and after they looked at the picture; he challenged them not to say anything or even see anything wrong in themselves in the picture; but choose to see the great things about themselves. That was very inspiring for me. 

You could take up that challenge as well, and begin to see only the good in yourself.

You have probably  heard a lot on  self-love over and over again, but really how much do you love yourself? If you really love yourself; you would not compare yourself to anyone. If you really love yourself; you would not be intimidated by anyone based on what they have; or have attained. 

Guys, I could go on and on; but I need to stop here. Start loving yourself; not in mere words; but in your actions. Guess what? How you treat others tells me how much you love yourself.

I would encourage you to take a selfie; or take a picture, and tell yourself how pretty a lady God made you; how handsome a guy God crafted you. How beautiful on the inside you are as well.It is amazing the confidence this activity will give you.

Do not let anyone or any circumstance to make you feel less of yourself or reduce the great value God put on you.

Have a great time guys! Do well to share; and do not forget to take that selfie or picture of yourself; and deliberately choose to see only the amazing things about yourself. 

Loads of Love,
Smiling D.