Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Hi dear friend, I would be sharing some thing with you, but you have to do some imaginations. Ok let’s get started, imagine a shoe without a sole, a pen without an ink, stew without spice, the imagination can go on and on and on. Was that a nice imagination? For me a capital NO.
Usually, the sole in a shoe is not an obvious feature, the ink in a pen is not always seen especially with pens that only reveal the pen mouth, the role a sole plays in every shoe cannot be overemphasized. I want you to understand this, you don’t have to be seen to bring about a positive change, it’s part of the human nature to desire to be noticed when doing something but I want you to be different.
The sole is hardly seen when a shoe is worn or when its not worn, the shoe has to be turned before the sole is seen, without a sole then there is really no shoe, just imagine that a sole could think and talk, and it keeps thinking and wishing that it was on top of the shoe, then that wouldn’t make sense again because it’s functioning perfectly where it is.
I would emphasize this, it’s not seen but its effect is undeniable if you think it is then try wearing a shoe without a sole.  Quit the mentality of being seen and just do your own thing joyfully. A soul could need just your smile, your little prayers, your hug and as a result of these little acts a life is transformed. No one may even notice all these acts of love that you show to people but trust me if you are doing it from your heart with no intention to please or be noticed, sooner than you think, no one will be able to deny your greatness cause He has brought you to limelight  cause of your acts of love.
Loads of love,
Smiling D.


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