Thursday, 29 September 2016


Hey awesome people. It’s good to have you here again. Thanks for always taking time from your busy schedule to read these lines that have been coming your way.

So an experience I had a couple years ago, is what inspired the lines you’d be savoring below. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy reading……………..

It’s my final year in college and for those of us that have been at this point, you know that final year is synonymous to project defense and a tone of presentations. Well, my own final year story wasn’t too different from this. I remember very clearly how we had been assigned projects as the requirement for one of the courses. This project was assigned in groups to ensure effectiveness and diversity of thoughts I believe.

The group leader decides to split the areas to be covered among all the members of the group. This was obviously done to ensure every one participated in the project. Anyways we all put in our best effort on this project to ensure we had no loop holes at all. My group was lucky enough to complete this project before the expected deadline. I mean I had such an awesome team of people. At this point, the group was able to settle on who would be representing the entire team in giving a detailed presentation of the project. We picked Tim who happens to be one of those vibrant guys who could go wrong on a few things except a presentation.

The big day of the presentation comes. My team members and I arrived the venue in good time. Everyone is set for the day, we have it all figured out. The only thing here is that Tim, our highly revered representative is nowhere to be found. We decide to wait a while, keeping our hopes alive. “He will show up”, we keep saying to ourselves. At this time it seemed like the clock had never moved this fast until now.

 We could only hope that the clock slowed down. Well, as you may have guessed, it was soon going to be the turn of my group. Something had to happen, a decision had to be made fast. Guys, guess what, the lot fell on me. I was asked by my team members to represent the group. I stood in front of them with absolutely no clue about how this would turn out as I was nowhere near prepared.

At this point I knew I needed help that was bigger than myself. Then I mutter silently just before I go upstage, “God, you control everything in the world, please be in mouth and in my speaking”. I get up stage and begin to make the presentation. Once I was through with the presentation, there was an awesome roar of applause in the room. Interestingly all the judges on that panel  had amazing things to say about a presentation I was so sure I had made a mess of.

A few weeks later, we are able to view our results. Guess what guys? Yes! My team scored the highest. We all couldn’t hold our joy as we all aced the course. I honestly was in complete shock because even though I got tremendous feedback from the judges after the presentation, I was still worried about the turn out of our final scores.  
 I had to conclude at this point that God was in perfect control of that presentation. In my own opinion, He aced it perfectly. I can also say boldly at this point that He perfectly controlled what the lecturers heard and it turned to me and my team members for the highest good.

Guys, God really controls everything. He is able to change things for you;so relax. It wouldn’t be dependent on what you do, say or even think. It will be totally by His hand. Don’t get me wrong, preparation is very important, as I am one big fan of preparation. However, when things become totally out of your control, then you can be sure to ask God to take control of every aspect of that situation and He sure will.

Alright guys, that’s my story. I really look forward to hearing your own story of how God controlled something just for you.

Till my next piece, see you guys. Do well to drop your comments and share with foes and friends. *smiles

Loads of Love,

Smiling D.