Sunday, 30 April 2017


Hey guys! Trust you have been very well. I have been doing very well myself. It feels like the month of April did a sprint. The days went by so fast! Well, it's great to have you here again.

This is yet another piece that leaves me in awe any time I remember the events around it. So relax and enjoy as you go on this ride with me

One of the things I detest is finding  misplaced things; I am sure you know the reason. Yes, that is right.  I  do not like to look for things at all. We probably have this trait in common, or better still you have a friend who is like me☺☺ So, I am not alone๐Ÿ˜†

 Misplacing your purse that has all your important complimentary cards and your identification card as well definitely does not put a smile on your face.

One of the days in June 2010, after a very long day filled with about 2 course work deadlines, I realized later in the evening, that I had misplaced my purse. As soon as I realized, I checked my bag, it was no where to be found; searched everywhere I thought it could possibly be, still did not find it.
I began to do a mental playback of all the places I had been to that day, and all the activities, to see if any would tally with me dropping a purse somewhere. No it did not tally๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

At this point, I wished for a technology that helped people find lost purses.

I started to get worried because, all my important cards were all in the same purse. I literally couldn't do anything without the card, as my identification card which gave me access to all the buildings in school was also in the purse.
To make things worse, I did not have any of my contact in my purse, so the possibility of getting the purse was really slim.
I remember just speaking to God about it and pouring out my worries about my missing purse to Him.

Good for me it was a Friday; so I had the whole of the weekend to at least figure out the next step to take. I tried to come up with a plan but the thought of spending some money that was not planned for to replace a missing identification card was not going down well on me at all.
I decided  not to allow it bother me, and friends who knew my purse got missing began to ask if my purse was really missing as I did not look like one whose purse was missing๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Well well, on Saturday morning, as usual I take my time to catch up on sleep that was lost in the course of the week. By the time I was ready to go out; it was noon. All dressed, I take my key and begin to lock up when I see something in the pouch on my door. My door had a pouch that people could drop messages when I am not around.  That "something" looked like my purse but I needed to be sure before screaming and jumping in excitement.  I hurriedly went to the pouch, and guess what?

Yes, it was my purse! I opened it in excitement, and every single thing was intact; including my money.
It felt very unreal to me for days and even weeks, I mean its seven years now, and when I remember, I am still in awe
How did it get to the pouch right on my door? Till today, I don't know, I may never know, but you know what gives me joy is the fact that God is ever mindful, and has a way of putting smiles on faces even when all hope has been lost.

It did not occur to me that I could find my purse on a platter of gold. What amazes me still is the fact that there was no information in the purse that stated my room number or how I could be reached. Irrespective of these, the purse was still found. Can you beat that?

This experience gives a reassurance that God is ever mindful, and cares about the seemingly small issues that concern you.

Have you lost something or somethings,  a friend, perhaps friends, maybe opportunities, or even time, there is hope, there is good news. When God is  involved in your life, nothing is really lost. He will compensate you in grande style for all that has been lost.

Alright, thanks for taking out time to read this. I trust you enjoyed reading  it as much as I did writing about my missing purse story. As always, do well to share. I look forward to hearing your own story of something missing that got found eventually๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
Till my next piece, have an awesome time.

Loads of Love,
Smiling D

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