Sunday 30 December 2012


Hi dearest, it's so good to have you here; I feel like screaming for joy, c'mon it's few hours to the new year; just like yesterday. Hmmm, just before this beautiful year takes a bow, I would want to share some of my experiences with you this year. Usually, I don't do this but I'm sooo going to do this for you my dearest and committed reader and as always, sit back relax and enjoy.............. I forgot to add this, learn.
Eyes kept dashing towards every time device, from wristwatches, to mobile phones to wall clocks.......... Amidst the prayers and praise, as the long and short hand of each time device hit 12midnight on January 1 2012, you needed to have heard the screamings that filled the whole environment. Of course you know that familiar scream, "Happy New Year", and the joy, hugs....... that come along with it.
Hmmm, it's almost a year now, and I remember every detail like it was yesterday. At the very beginning of the year, all I wanted to do in the year 2012 was to affect lives of young people, especially teenagers, via write-ups and speaking engagements. I also had in my mental picture the number of young people I wanted to reach out to. I am such a great imaginer, I hope there's an English word like that, "smiles". Anyways I just kept myself soooooo busy with my imaginations, I mean speaking to soooo large an audience of young people and all. You get that picture right?.
Then, just as I began to imagine those things, they just started becoming sooooo real. It was as iron attracts magnets to itself, I mean I started speaking to young people in schools, sometimes the population for just one session will be soooo mind-blowing and so impactful. Why I know they were impactful was because after those sessions I got messages from these young people of how they were touched and had a change of jist as a result of the session. O well, all glory to God, it got so amazing when I am on the street and I see young people I don't even think I know all smiles and so excited to see me, and I'm like, "ok, where is this coming from?" Of course still nice but just curious and I hear, "You came to my school and spoke to us", and I 'm like, "Okkkkkkk, good to se you, hope you are good, and I also hope you are putting into practice all the things said? Take good care of yourself ok?" After all these, I keep moving .........
A short while ago, I was jisting with my friends and telling them that this year 2012, was the best year of my life, and I meant every word.
Enough of 2012 jist, now let's face our dear and most amazing 2013 which has entered into the labour room and would soon be birthed. Inasmuch as 2012, was my best year ever, dearest I'm so not satisfied, for me and for you my dearest and committed reader, 2013, is soooooooooo going to be our year. The 2012, jist will be nothing compared with the great and I mean it great great great, 2013 jists God has in store for us. Do me a favour dearest, let's fake it until it becomes so real. Whatever we want to see let's really fake it till it becomes really really real.
Hey! Smiling D, enough, I guess this is the longest piece I've written on this blog. I hope I didn't bore you with my long true life story of 2012. Trust me this is not all the jist o, see me in camera for the fullest jist. "winks"
To you my dearest and committed reader, again I say thanks for always being there, without you there's really no Star's Delight neither is there a Smiling D. Congrats on seeing the end of the most beautiful year 2012 and give me the honours to say congrats again on seeing the most most beautiful year ever 2013.
Lots of Love,
Smiling D.

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